Mystic Mountain

This is another photo I took from my 2019 trip to India. I like this photo because it feels soothing and calming. Like every photograph, this too has a story. This photo was taken while my uncle, brother, cousins and I were paddling a swan boat in the river. We went a little beyond the limit and got the boat stuck. So we remained there for a good ten minutes waiting for the operators to come 'rescue' us. During those ten minutes, I thought to myself "Why not take some photos", and I took my phone out to take a couple clicks of the beautiful environment.

Mystic Mountain by Bhargavi Gulia

When taking this photo, I wanted to focus on the lower part of the furthest mountain. To make that part stick out most, I used some visual lines to bring the eye there. The first was the river. The first was the river. The river narrows to the bottom of the mountain, bringing the eye to that part. The second thing were the leaves of the palm trees. The leaves, from both sides of the frame, were pointing towards the bottom of the mountain. Additionally, each subject (trees, mountains, and river) were touching both opposing sides to create the frame. If they weren't doing that, it would look more like an obstacle rather than a frame/subject.
